Program Updates, Deadlines, & Reminders
FIRST® Choice: In response to feedback on FIRST Choice offerings in the 2024 season, all FIRST® Robotics Competition teams who participated in the 2024 season will receive a $300 voucher towards their 2025 registration. Read more about this update on the most recent FIRST Robotics Competition blog post.
Team Resources: As teams are gearing up for another season, don’t forget to check out resources we have available for teams in the Team Management Resources and Technical Resources. We have a variety of resources from prototyping and CAD to budgets and team organization and so much more!
FIRST Robotics Competition Season Calendar: Check out the FIRST Robotics Competition Calendar which is updated with key dates related to the 2025 season all the way through FIRST® Championship. You can even use the "add to calendar" button on each entry to add dates to your team’s calendar.
2025 Season Registration: Dive deep into innovation with our ocean-inspired robotics game! During REEFSCAPE presented by Haas, students will explore beneath the surface and uncover the potential in each of us to strengthen our community and innovate for a better world. Learn more and register today!
Youth Protection Screening Renewal Reminder: A current Youth Protection Screening is required to volunteer, access your team’s roster, opt out of the Drive Base & Black Tote (veteran teams), and other important tasks throughout the season. Screenings expire every four (4) years, and you can check your screening status in the FIRST Dashboard. If your screening is expired, order your renewal screening now! For assistance, please contact Team Support Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. ET via email, calling (603) 666-3906, or live chat.
Re-invite your roster: Lead mentors on FIRST Robotics Competition teams can now re-invite their team roster from the previous season by following the steps on our Youth Registration System Overview page. Get a jump on getting your team registered today!
Drive Base & Black Tote Opt Out available now: By default, all Kickoff Kits include a drive base kit & Black Tote, but veteran teams who are “event ready" can opt to receive vouchers instead of the drive base kit and/or the Black Tote by selecting “Drive Base Opt Out” or “Black Tote Opt Out” from the “Team Options” under the “Parts and Products” drop down. Your team’s Drive Base and Black Tote selection closes at 12:00 p.m. noon ET, September 24, 2024. A team is “event ready” if there are two (2) Youth Protection Program screened mentors and no outstanding tasks on your dashboard.
Arizona Specific
Sanghi State Championship
Please help me congratulate the top 24 Arizona teams for the 2024 season (based on the 1st event):
60 - The Bionic Bulldogs | 498 - The Cobra Commanders |
698 - Hamilton Microbots | 1726 - N.E.R.D.S. |
2403 - Plasma Robotics | 2486 - CocoNuts |
3853 - Pridetronics | 3944 - All Knights |
4146 - Sabercats | 4183 - Bit Buckets |
5059 - The Midnight Cicadas | 6352 - LAUNCH TEAM |
6413 - Degrees of Freedom | 6479 - AZTECH Robotics |
7214 - Tiger-OPS Robotics | 7755 - Phantom Circuits |
8012 - APEX Robotics | 8087 - Cougar Pride Robotics |
8848 - Blu CRU | 9059 - COLTech Robotics |
9091 - A.W.E. | 9432 - Team 8-Bit |
9704 - igKnighted | 9777 - Knights of the Lab Table |
Join us September 27th and 28th at ASU, where teams will play the 2024 FIRST Robotics Competition game, Crescendo. As a note, the State Championship will honor the additional 5 lbs. of weight you might have added for the ARL tournaments.
I’m asking that all teams fill out the RSVP form to indicate your attendance preference by Sept 3rd: There is an option to be selected to participate should a top 24 team not be able to make. Please complete this at your earliest convenience. Starting September 4th, I’ll start releasing spots to teams.
Volunteering at State Championship
If your team isn’t participating but you still want to volunteer, register here:
Arizona Alumni Mixer

We’re excited to invite your team’s alumni and soon-to-be alumni to our upcoming FIRST Robotics Alumni Mixer !
This event offers a fantastic opportunity for both former and current members to network with fellow alumni, learn about upcoming events, and explore additional involvement opportunities within FIRST. We’d love for your team to be part of this engaging evening. If any of your alumni or soon-to-be alumni are interested, please have them confirm their attendance via the email listed on the flyer. Should you or your team members have any questions or need more information, feel free to reach out to Madison and Grace.
Tax Credits
To help promote tax credit donations, AZFirst is looking at implementing a page on the AZFirst website. We're hoping by providing all the information in one place, we can get better participation and have Arizona Tax Credit's directed to your teams. We're asking that you please take a couple minutes and complete this form: We'll take the info submitted and create a page dedicated to tax credit donations for teams.
2025 Regional Event Planning
Mark your calendars for the 2025 Arizona Regional events below!
AZ North @ Coconino High School Week 3 (March 12-15)
AZ Valley @ Corona del Sol High School Week 4 (March 19-23)